The City and Chatham County are inviting you to an important planning process meeting concerning Savannah's Tricentennial Plan, on Tuesday, at 6 p.m. on February 22, 2011, at the Coastal Georgia Center.
In 2002, the Savannah Mayor and Aldermen and Chatham County Commissioners launched an ambitious project, the Tricentennial Plan, which includes a long-range Comprehensive Plan and an updated zoning ordinance for the City of Savannah and Unincorporated Chatham County. The Compressive Plan was adopted in 2006 and identifies our community’s goals through 2033 – the 300th anniversary of Savannah.
At the five-year mark, it’s time to report on our progress, review our goals, and identify new goals. A challenging economy, an aging population, an obesity epidemic, finite energy resources, climate change ….all of these this things need to be addressed in this reevaluation process.
You are invited to join our effort to help shape future policies on land use, economic development, historic and cultural resources, transportation, and other critical community issues such as the relationship between urban planning and community health.
This flyer from the city has all the timely details. (click to enlarge)