Monday, February 28, 2011

Area Crime Report for week of 2/28

Here's the latest crime numbers for our area.
Please note Fairway Oaks isn't mentioned this week, because the police weren't called!

(one page - click to enlarge)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

City of Savannah Rain Barrel/Composter Sale March 5

The City of Savannah has once again teamed up with Step Up Savannah and the Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) to offer rain barrels and compost bins at half the cost of what you’d pay in the stores.
Please forward this to others who may be interested. See you there!

Truckload Sale
Saturday, March 5th, 9am - 3pm
Dirt Cheap Rain Barrels and Compost Bins

Located at East Broad Elementary School
400 East Broad Street (just South of Liberty Street)

Contact 912-651-2221 or email for more information!

(click to enlarge)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Area Crime Report for week of 2/21

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and Kensington Park. (one page this week - click to enlarge)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Square Dancing for cool people at White Bluff Presbyterian

Beginning Starting March 7th (first Monday of each month) all are invited to White Bluff Presbyterian Church for a night of fun, excitement and good exercise. It will rejuvenate your spirit and leave you feeling great. Many lifetime friends are made in square dancing.
Your instructor (and caller) will be Fairway Oaks resident James Hurt, one of the great callers in this area.
Square dancing is not like other dances. In square dancing, each movement you make is called by the caller in whatever song he is singing. The singing and music are exceptional.
These movements are easy to learn and are taught step by step, starting with the basics. You will have an angel (a square dancer) as a partner to assist you in learning the calls. It is fun and exhilarating. It will get your blood pumping and you will not want to stop. Many of dancers even experience what is called a “square dancer’s high.”
Lessons are only $5.00 each, and first two nights are FREE.

Starting at 8:00 p.m., March 7th (first Monday of each month), you can swing your partners at White Bluff Presbyterian Church, 10710 White Bluff Road, Savannah

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Has it been almost 300 years already?

The City and Chatham County are inviting you to an important planning process meeting concerning Savannah's Tricentennial Plan, on Tuesday, at 6 p.m. on February 22, 2011, at the Coastal Georgia Center.

In 2002, the Savannah Mayor and Aldermen and Chatham County Commissioners launched an ambitious proj­ect, the Tricentennial Plan, which includes a long-range Comprehensive Plan and an updated zoning ordinance for the City of Savannah and Unincorporated Chatham County. The Compressive Plan was adopted in 2006 and identifies our community’s goals through 2033 – the 300th anniversary of Savannah.
At the five-year mark, it’s time to report on our progress, review our goals, and identify new goals. A challenging economy, an aging population, an obesity epidemic, finite energy resources, climate change ….all of these this things need to be addressed in this reevaluation process.

You are invited to join our effort to help shape future policies on land use, economic development, historic and cultural resources, transportation, and other critical community issues such as the relationship between urban planning and community health.

This flyer from the city has all the timely details. (click to enlarge)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Refuse Savannah's Garbage Fines!

The City has begun cracking down on ne'er-do-well taxpayers who leave their trash cans out
past the stated time. Forget, or leave them out too long, and you will receive a $15.00 fine that will be attached to your water bill.

City regulations state that "carts should be placed at the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the morning of scheduled collection, but no earlier than 5:00 p.m. the day before collection and removed by 7:00 p.m. the day of collection with the exception of holidays." This applies to both garbage and recycling carts.

Here is a copy of the ticket you will receive, courtesy of one of your neighbors who has already been fined,
and a copy of the 2011 garbage and recycling pick-up schedule.

The ticket can be enlarged to see the extensive list of violations you could possibly commit, as well as the necessary contact info for the Savannah Sanitation Bureau.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crime Stats for 1/23 - 1/31/11

Please click on this link: