Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crime Report for November 18-24

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. 
Please note it is not necessarily a complete accounting of the nefarious activity in our area - SCCPD had changed their wording to "it is the summary of reports made from November 11 – 17 for our precinct."

Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Crime Report for November 11-17

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. 
Please note it is not necessarily a complete accounting of the nefarious activity in our area - SCCPD had changed their wording to "it is the summary of reports made from November 11 – 17 for our precinct."

Click to enlarge.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Get CERTified in October!

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) are about readiness, people helping people, rescuer safety, and doing the greatest good for the greatest number. CERT is a positive and realistic approach to emergency and disaster situations where citizens will be initially on their own and their actions can make a difference. Through training, citizens can manage utilities and put out small fires; treat the three killers by opening airways, controlling bleeding, and treating for shock; provide basic medical aid; search for and rescue victims safely; and organize themselves and spontaneous volunteers to be effective during an emergency.

Do you think you have what it takes? 

Do you want to learn ways to protect you and your family during a disaster?

If so, plan now to attend the next CERT training scheduled for October.  Training is free to Chatham County residents and requires both classroom instruction and hands on fieldwork. 
You must attend all days!

Time and location of next training:
October 20 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
October 21 - 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
October 27 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
October 28 - 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Southside Fire Department Station #3
2009 Grove Point Road
Savannah, GA 31419

Register Now or you can contact the CEMA office at 912-201-4500for more information. 

CERT training will teach participants to:

• Take steps to prepare themselves for a disaster
• Identify and reduce potential fire hazards in their homes and workplaces
• Apply basic fire suppression strategies, resources and safety measures
• Apply techniques for opening airways, controlling bleeding and treating shock
• Conduct triage under simulated conditions
• Select and set up treatment areas
• Employ basic treatments for various wounds
• Identify planning and size-up requirements for potential search and rescue situations
• Use safe techniques for debris removal and victim extraction

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rivers Alive 2012! Let's keep our waters clean and healthy

The City of Savannah, MPC, Ogeechee Riverkeepers and Clean Coast are hosting its annual Rivers Alive clean-up event on Saturday, October 27th at 8 am on Hayner’s Creek at the  River's End Boat Ramp (down Hurst Avenue on Montgomery Crossroads near Waters Avenue). You can bring your own kayak or one will be provided as well as free t-shirts and lunch after the event.

Please see the attached poster for a map and more details. 

For more info please call Margosia Jadkowski at 651-6943.

Crime Report for September 16 - 22

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods.
Click to enlarge.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Crime Report for September 9-15 and Prevention Tips

From Cpl. Simmons of Savannah's Finest: 
The thieves that like to steal lawn equipment have returned to the Oakdale Subdivision.  I can only assume they will branch out into Kensington Park, Habersham Woods and Fairway Oaks soon.

In the last two weeks there has been :
   A false alarm in the 700 block of Lee Blvd.
   An enclosed trailer containing “lawn equipment” was stolen (last night) from the 600 block of Wheeler Street.
   In the 500 block of Stuart Court someone unscrewed the outside light bulb and then tried to break into an   enclosed trailer but the dog scared them.  However they did break into another enclosed trailer at the home but didn’t take anything.  Angered, they stole the trailer receiver from the truck so the owner could not tow the trailers anywhere. (last night)

We have a problem, residents!  Summer is not officially over but someone has started shopping for Christmas.
We need to begin aggressively monitoring our streets, lanes and yards for strangers while we are walking, bicycling, exercising or pet walking.   Prune shrubs from the ground upward so we can see their legs if they hide.  Install motion detection flood lamps but put them at least 8 feet above the ground so they can’t unscrew the bulbs.  When our dogs begin barking at something outside – TURN ON ALL OUTSIDE LIGHTS WHILE SOMEONE LOOKS OUT THE WINDOWS!!!  

Report everything to police dispatch 652-6500 option 1.  Tell them what you see or what caused you to call.  Insist someone drive thru to help Captain Ramey and Cpl. Simmons stop the thefts!!!!

If you think your street is too dark then call 311 to request brighter lights and give them the location.  If that is not working come to the next Kensington Park/ Groveland/ Oakdale Community Association meeting and voice the concerns to Alderwoman Mary Ellen Sprague.

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods.
Click to enlarge.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Crime Report for August 19 - 25

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods.
Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Crime Report for August 12 - 18

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods.
Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Crime Report for August 5 - 11

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. Click to enlarge.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Yes, we've lost a good neighbor, and yes, you can help

One of our neighbors, Gayle Leary lost her husband last week. Many of you knew her husband, Martin, who installed the Historic Plaque for us back in May.  Mr. Leary also did a lot of handyman work in our neighborhood. 
It has come to Association's attention that they have had no A/C all summer. Mrs Leary is also not in the greatest of health. Gerry Grimes  has found a system and is going to install the unit for Gayle and is requesting that if anyone in the neighborhood would like to make a contribution to please do so with a check as follows:
Make check payable to :  Bill Bozeman Ministries
Memo on check : Donation to Gayle Leary for A/C unit
Please send your checks to:  Gerald Grimes
                                     102 Margatha Drive
                                     Savannah, Ga. 3l406

Let's step up, Fairway Oaks!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crime Report for 7/1 - 7/7

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. Click to enlarge.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Like Father, Like Son, Like, Bad News

UPDATE! Terry Jamal Rucker, the son, has been arrested.  He is currently in jail.  Terry Jerome Rucker, the father, is still at large.

Remember - if you see something, say something!  Call the police immediately.

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Word on Watering

With summer (unofficially) here, here's a quick reminder on the City of Savannah's outdoor lawn watering restrictions -

* Residents of odd-numbered addresses may water Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays within the hours of 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight.

*  Residents of even-numbered or unnumbered addresses may water Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays within the hours of 12:00 midnight to 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to  12:00 midnight.

*  There will be no watering on Fridays.  None.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crime Report for 5/6 - 5/19

Additionally, someone gained entry to the back porch of a house over on Oxford in Kensington Park Monday night by removing a glass slat in a Jalousie porch door and getting the door open.  

For reasons unknown they did not break into the house and nothing seems to have been taken. The resident thinks this may have occurred between 1 AM and 6 AM.  A police report was filed.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Greenview/Kensington Break-Ins!

The bad guys have been working two shifts in our part of town lately.

 One burglary took place Monday night on Kensington Drive, the residents were not at home. The thieves broke in through the back door and went through the drawers in the bedroom. The alarm went off and they escaped before the police arrived. It is believed this took place around 10:20 that night. 
Since the thieves could have escaped by going through the back yard over to Johnston Street, anyone who may have seen anything around that time on Kensington or Johnston is asked to notify police and/or KPCA President Pam Miller, 660-3365.

 A Greenview neighbor's home was also broken into sometime Tuesday, 5/12. It is assumed it occurred after the owners left for work this morning and prior to one returning around lunchtime.
 The police are questioning some suspects, but little is actually known about whether the suspects are connected to this break-in. Fingerprints were taken Tuesday afternoon.

 With school ending soon, there will be a lot more foot and auto traffic on our streets. Remember, if you see anything funny or doesn't 'sit right' with you, say something - call the police. You've paid for them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crime report for 4/15 - 4/28

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. Click to enlarge.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Brightwood Break-In! No Fooling!

Our neighbor at 203 Brightwood had an adventure of the worst kind last Thursday night. The resident returned home around 9 p.m. to see that some things in a room had been messed up a little, but she thought her son had come by to look for something.
Later that night she woke up and walked down the hall. Another room was in total disarray - the door in that room had been locked & painted shut but had been opened. It was the door that opens to the patio, where the bad guys had spread her jewelry on the picnic table to go through their ill-gotten loot.
They took her purse and threw some of her belongings on a neighbor’s lawn. Her checkbook was found in the median at Waters and DeRenne. Her purse to date has not been recovered.
The thinking now is that these people were in her home when she came home and as she slept!!!
A report has been filed with the police.

Remember - if you see something, say something!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Garage Sale Opening Soon!

This Saturday March 31st from 8-12PM

Neighborhood Garage Sale
Saturday March 31st

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crime report for 3/10

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bad Guy Alert! Bad Guy Alert!

A small back car has been witnessed cruising the neighborhood with a white and a black occupant. They have been driving very slow and looking at the houses (checking them out).
If you see anyone that matches that description please call the police immediately!
Savannah's Finest are aware of these thugs and are on stand-by. They responded and came through, combing the neighborhood after the phone call from one of our neighbors. Unfortunately, by the time they got here, the suspects had left the area. They were spotted going down Margatha Drive to DeRenne.
Please call the police if you see anything suspicious.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2011 City of Savannah Crime Report

We're not loving this new attempted burglary

Saturday night (2/11), there was an attempted burglary in Greenview on Lawndale Road. The resident was not at home, but fortunately has an alarm system with glass break protection. Once the bedroom window was smashed sufficiently for the window to break, the alarm began to sound and police were summoned. The glass was so jagged as to be dangerous, and with the alarm already sounding, the intruder didn't make it inside.
We have to all be super vigilant - the bad guys already are!
If you don't have an alarm, consider getting one - this case is the "poster child" for why they help.Not trying to play favorites, but currently pretty good coverage is available from Safe Touch for about $12.50 a month.As always, do your own due dilligence before making any decisions.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crime Stats for January 8 - 21

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods, including the recent holiday.
Click to enlarge.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Crime Stats for January 1-7

Here's the latest crime numbers for Fairway Oaks and select surrounding neighborhoods. Click to enlarge.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Holiday Crime Stats

For those of you who've been wondering, the SCCPD PIO (public information officer) took the month of December off. Here's the just-released the crime stats for the month in our little part of the world.