Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bad Guy Alert! Bad Guy Alert!

A small back car has been witnessed cruising the neighborhood with a white and a black occupant. They have been driving very slow and looking at the houses (checking them out).
If you see anyone that matches that description please call the police immediately!
Savannah's Finest are aware of these thugs and are on stand-by. They responded and came through, combing the neighborhood after the phone call from one of our neighbors. Unfortunately, by the time they got here, the suspects had left the area. They were spotted going down Margatha Drive to DeRenne.
Please call the police if you see anything suspicious.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

2011 City of Savannah Crime Report

We're not loving this new attempted burglary

Saturday night (2/11), there was an attempted burglary in Greenview on Lawndale Road. The resident was not at home, but fortunately has an alarm system with glass break protection. Once the bedroom window was smashed sufficiently for the window to break, the alarm began to sound and police were summoned. The glass was so jagged as to be dangerous, and with the alarm already sounding, the intruder didn't make it inside.
We have to all be super vigilant - the bad guys already are!
If you don't have an alarm, consider getting one - this case is the "poster child" for why they help.Not trying to play favorites, but currently pretty good coverage is available from Safe Touch for about $12.50 a month.As always, do your own due dilligence before making any decisions.